Texas Weather

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Texasrvers, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Jackie and Tony,

    Are you still in Texas? If so, how are you enjoying our balmy Texas weather? Course I know it is no match for Cheryl's area, but it is a bit different for us. Hope you are "hunkered down" somewhere. If you have to drive, just remember that we south Texans do not know how to drive on ice so give us a wide berth. Stay safe.
  2. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Some of us Coloradoans don't know how to drive on ice either. Oh wait, I guess that could be because I am a transplanted Texan. Greg tried to teach me once, but decided for my safety, as well as everyone else on the road, it was best if I just stayed home when it was icy or snowy out.
    By the way, I think Jackie and Tony will not be heading to Texas for a few more days. Bless her heart, she was so looking forward to better weather. Maybe it will warm up before she gets there...
  3. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Hi Cheryl,

    Sounds like it is best if both you and I stay off icy roads. Course our deck is so icy right now I better stay off it, too.

    I posted this original message before I read the Port Aransas post from Jackie saying they were coming to Texas. I had thought they were already here. It will probably be warmer when they get here. You know what they say about Texas weather--wait an hour and it will be completely different. We very rarely get several days of cold weather in a row. Usually it is 35 degrees one day and 95 the next. This time the cold is lasting a little longer, but it is supposed to be a little warmer on the weekend. I'm just sorry they picked such a bad time to come here. Port A can be quite nice at this time of year.

    If you read this Jackie, try to wait a few days before coming here and it should be nice again.
  4. Jackie & Tony

    Jackie & Tony
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    Nov 26, 2006
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    Hi guys.... yes we've been here in Galveston for 3 days and have had nothing but rain, rain and rain. We're so glad we missed the ice!!! Tomorrow we leave for Rockport and are hoping it gets warmer the further south we go. After Rockport we'll do a brief stop in Kingsville and then head down to the Rio Grande where it's sure to be much warmer! :)

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