"We only have a few spots left"

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Iceman567, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. Iceman567

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    Mar 11, 2011
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    This has happened on numerous occasions. We don't usually make long range reservations as we usually have no plans.Where ever we end up that's where we stay.

    When we start looking for a spot to park for the night (or two) I usually call ahead to see if they have any spots open or make other plans. A few times I've called ahead and was told "We only have a few spots left". "OK, I'll take one". We get there and the park is half empty (the same the next morning) or more than " a few" sites are available.

    We stayed in a small park in TN, 31 sites. Called ahead, two sites left, we took one. Counted 10 sites still available that night. Six were available the next morning.

    Why would you flat out lie to a customer? Thoughts?
  2. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    I'm not saying this would be the case in every instance but there are times when a park is called to book a reservation and they really are full up or as you stated tell you "We only have a few spots left". Then between the day you called and the day you arrived, they have had several cancellations. Some last minute, others that the "reservee" just never shows up to occupy. We have had this happen a few times when we have asked for a pull thru space and been told there are no pull thru spaces left. The day we arrive we find that the pull thrus really are all taken. The next morning three RVs leave and two of those three vacant spaces are vacant that next night. In one instance the mgr came to our coach that evening and told us that they had received one call to cancel and one RV that did arrive but didn't like the space so left leaving that one open also We thought this was really nice of him to come and ask us if we cared to change spaces. Granted I think some parks might just tell you that they only have a few spaces left to make you believe they are busy and that their park "is the one to stay at", etc. And I do suppose that there are some parks that will "stretch the truth a tad" just to look like they are busy. As for outright lying, I guess there might be a park here and park there that would stoop that low but I like to think that wouldn't be the case. Of course in today's world nothing surprises us anymore........................

    BankShot...............(aka Terry)
    #2 BankShot, Sep 11, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  3. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    If these were parks that don't require a deposit to reserve a site, it's not uncommon for some people to book several parks on the line of travel before they know which one they'll decide to use for the night. Sometimes they notify the other parks of the cancellation, other times not...
  4. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    And I hope we all agree that this sort of boorish, self-centered behavior is a sad commentary on today's society. It goes along with making weekly weekend reservations at State and Federal CG's that don't have significant cancellation fees with the full intent of cancelling all but the couple you actually plan to use. And people wonder why some CG's are requiring full payment in advance with NO REFUNDS!
    Rollin Ollens, BankShot and NYDutch like this.
  5. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Well said docj. I've spoken with a few owners and managers of parks and they feel the same way and stated that is why they have had to start asking in advance for a full one night's deposit and no refund unless the cancellation is made within a certain specified period of time so they can re-book the space that would otherwise sit vacant and not paid for that night. We live in a different world today and it is unfortunate that there are folks out there that only think of themselves and nobody else in the travel chain. As long as they get their butts into the park and space they want, that's all that's important to them. I have no problem paying a deposit and in the few times over the years that we have had to call and cancel I've made certain the call was made in plenty of time to get either all of our deposit back or the better part of it. Only in one instance did we forfeit our first night's deposit and that was our choice to leave once we saw the park inside and the space that we had reserved. That one was on me and I know we did the right thing by leaving and going to another park......................

    BankShot................(aka Terry)
  6. Iceman567

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    Mar 11, 2011
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    The park I spoke of in TN did require a CC for a deposit to hold the space. Another instance that it happened was a park in southern Texas. An even more blatant untruth. "one left", "I'll take it". Park was 2/3rds empty.
  7. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    I would think that this leaves you with the option that is open to all of us. That being you simply don't go to that park again and stay at parks that don't give you these untruths. We won't return to a park that doesn't offer what it states it has to offer and we certainly don't stay at parks that run their business in this manner. Too many other parks and campgrounds to choose from and thankfully most all of them are above board in both their advertising and their customer service................

    BankShot..............(aka Terry)
  8. Annod46

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    Jul 30, 2014
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    I object to parks that have a non-refundable deposit policy. There's a park in Golden, CO., that requires a 50% deposit for multiple days, and it's non-refundable no matter what happens. As we all know, things do happen when traveling in an RV. I refused to book the reservation even though I was told only a few spots remained. When we were close enough to ensure arrival, I called and asked about availability. Sure enough, spaces were available...lots of them when we arrived and for the duration of our four night stay.

    Another annoying reservation policy goes to Florida State Parks. The entire amount is due when booking no matter how far in advance, and an $18 cancellation fee is imposed if cancelled. You do get your money back less the fee. We were in a horrific accident en route to Top Sail Hill RV Park. Our motorhome suffered extensive damage and our Honda CRV was totaled. We weren't hurt, fortunately. Girl who hit us decided later that she was hurt..hmmm,. We still had to pay the cancellation fee even though our accident was documented. Not very RV friendly.

    I think parks should show some flexibility for documentable reasons.
  9. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    The full fee upfront is typical of state park systems that use the ReserveAmerica 3rd-party reservation service. The cancellation fee that the parks are charged by RA is set in their contract, but the fee that's passed on to the customers is set by the park systems. I don't think the parks have much flexibility beyond what's spelled out in their RA contracts and terms of service.

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