" New Seats"

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by BankShot, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    We have decided to install new seating in our coach and have looked at several different styles and makes of Captain's chairs. As of right now we seem to be siding with a Flex-Steel seat in leather with full power including footrests. Is anyone using a Flex-Steel seat in their Class A by chance and if so how do you like it for comfort and dependability, etc. I know they make great home furniture, couches, recliners, etc. but have never sat in a Class A Captain's seat made by them. The dealer we will be purchasing them from doesn't carry any in stock of course and each set has to be custom ordered so we won't be able to sit our old butts down to try one out. From everything we've read about them they are rated highly but it would be nice to get a few in use "butt reports" from any of you that use them in your coach............... :D

    Thanks and regards, BankShot..............(aka Terry)
  2. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Last year we replaced both our captains chairs with Deluxe Flex-Steel seats upholstered in UltraLeather. We purchased style 267 which is the most "car-like" FS seat. Bradd and Hall of Elkhart, who did the installation, said that this is the most popular item for them because it provides more lateral support than do most RV captains chairs. Ours have the full set of power options.

    We are very pleased with the improvement in comfort these seats provide. The passenger seat is nearly as comfortable as my Ekornes Stressless recliner and that's saying something! Since our TV is mounted so that it can be swung around to face the recliner and the swiveled passenger seat, both of us now have comfy chairs without fighting over the recliner.

    What's also a benefit for us is that the FS chairs are slightly smaller in overall footprint than the ones they replaced. This results in the driver's chair not interfering nearly as much with the steering wheel when it is swiveled, so we gain a seating position which had been of limited use to us.

    I hope this answers your questions, feel free to ask others.

    Joel (AKA docj)
  3. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Hey Joel, thanks for the reply and the heads up on the FS seats. Believe it or not we checked out both the #267 and the #554 from Bradd and Hall and decided to go with the #554. Both were our top choices and we basically drew straws to pick one or the other. My co-pilot liked both but liked the overall look of the #554 so I let her made the final choice. The seats we currently use are starting to show their age and they aren't real leather so this time we will get them covered in the ultra leather also and as mentioned prior both will come with full power adjust and power foot rests. We are excited and really looking forward to having them for our next trip the first of August. We have about four different color samples on the way to take into the coach and see which one will match the best.

    Thanks again for the info I was hoping to get. Based on that info I feel pretty safe in buying sans a "butt session" with them in a showroom.............. :cool:

    All the best, Terry............(aka BankShot)........ :D
  4. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    I'm sure you know that Ultraleather isn't real leather, but your choice of words makes it seem as if you might not realize that. Of course, Ultraleather is just a high quality line of polyurethane-finished upholstery fabrics.
  5. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Actually no I wasn't aware that Ultraleather was not real leather and I thank you for the heads up on this. We don't need real leather seats but we thought it might be nice to have what with the special on them currently. I will discuss this with my co-pilot and the shop and go from there. If this isn't real leather I would sure like to find out what the cost for real leather is. If I have to ask I probably can't afford it............. :(

    Thanks again for the heads up on this Joel..............

    Terry............(aka Bankshot)
  6. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Well, we got the quote for the two new Flexsteel seats complete with full power on both and about fell out of our respective easy chairs. Way more money than we want to be spending for seats. So we went back to the drawing board and had a local guy stop by the house and take a look at what he'd charge to reupholster both instead. We gave up the "want" for full power adjustments as that would involve additional labor costs to route wiring to them. We want a new color scheme more than anything and his quote was well within our budget so we are going that route instead. He told us that the current seats were very good ones and that by having them redone, we would be very happy with them once again. He's going to add some additional foam to the seat pads which will give them additional support and comfort. We will have them for our next trip the first of August whereas if we had gone with the Flexsteel seats it would have taken at least two months. The guy is also coming out to remove the seats, take them into his shop and the re-install them and that he said he wouldn't charge us for. We also found out that on top of the Flexsteel quote we would have had to pay about $150 shipping charges for each seat and that's not longer in the picture. Just thought I'd update my post in case anyone including docj was curious as to what we did end up doing............ :D

    It will be nice to have some new "cush for the tush", BankShot..............(aka Terry)
  7. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Did he say what fabric he will use to upholster them? We had reupholstered our original seats before buying the new ones, but we were disappointed in the material used. It was another polyurethane-finished fabric but it didn't hold up as well as we would have wanted.
  8. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    We looked at several different types of "Naugahyde" and he recommended one as being really good and with a long "shelf life". We decided against real leather as once again the cost is so much more. I think we'll be very happy with what we chose and the guy has a really good reputation around the area for doing quality work at a reasonable price. He's been in the business for many years so that means something also. Would have been nice to have those deluxe Flexsteel seats but for the price difference and all the additional labor involved to get them installed, it just made sense to go with having them reupholstered. Thanks again for you input Joel, I appreciate it..............

    Regards, Terry.............(aka BankShot)
  9. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    We were fortunate in that our Beaver already had powered seats, so installation was a minimal cost consideration.

    It sounds like your decision was the best one for you. Enjoy them! Extra padding is nice as we age!
  10. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    I replaced mine with a Knodeler air ride seat and a villa theater style seat recliner. They were great.
  11. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    UPDATE: Our newly reupholstered seats are being delivered and installed today. Stopped by the shop yesterday to take a peek at them and they turned out great. The guy added some extra memory foam to the seating area which will aid in giving our old tushes some extra cush. By the way I don't believe I mentioned that these original seats are Flexsteel units and the guy said they were in great shape other than they did need reupholstering. We leave next week on a 10+ trip to Washington state and will be able to give them a real good workout but I just know they are going to be really comfy. We also love the color change to a color that will better match the interior of the coach. We be happy campers and ready to hit the road.................

    Regards, BankShot.............(aka Terry)
  12. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    I am heading to Washington state too. Where are you going?
  13. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Our final destination is Battle Ground where we will be staying with family. Nice thing is they don't charge us to hook up to their 30 am power outlet and we have large enough fresh water and holding tanks to last us about a week or so. Where will you be ending up at? Washington is really nice this time of year and we are looking forward to getting out of all heat we've been enduring for the past month or more. We will be spending one night in Redding on the way up the I-5 corridor and the forecast says it will be about 107 degrees that day so I plan on turning on the generator and running the house AC a couple of hours out so the coach will be nice and cool when we get there............

    Have a safe and enjoyable trip, BankShot..............(aka Terry)
  14. Gnome de Plume

    Gnome de Plume
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    Mar 21, 2013
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    Everything south of Kelso might as well be Oregon. :rolleyes: na na-na

    Here at the mouth of Discovery Bay it is 66°F outside my coach right now.
    BankShot likes this.
  15. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Hmm, I always heard that anything north of Kelso might as well be Canada........ :p

    Here in Meadow Vista it is currently 101 degrees outside my door right now. But hey we be a tough breed us No. Californians and the hotter it is the mo betta we like it........... o_O
    Gnome de Plume likes this.
  16. jamesph

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    Jul 17, 2021
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    We replaced the old seats with the 30" Zero Wall RV recliner by RecPro, they are very comfortable. I would recommend these to anyone looking to modify or upgrade their RV into a recliner. Not genuine leather but these are not saying, no scratches or wear after 30 days of daily use so far so good.

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