Travelling With "friends"?

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by dennysdawgs, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. dennysdawgs

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    Aug 19, 2006
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    Recently we had the experience of travelling out west with another couple. I just have a couple of remarks to make about this... (1) Try out a weekend with ANYONE before making an extended trip anywhere, no matter how close you may be with them... (2) discuss beforehand things such as how fast you will go, what places you would like to visit while in the area, how long you would like to stay in each place, pit stops, eating stops, etc. (3) also, if you like to be in a "secluded" area or "busy" area (4) also, last but not least, be sure the personalities match: we are Christian folks who ended up on a "too-long" trip with "bleep bleep" talkers - had to really :unsure: close our ears at times!

    We found this out the hard way on our recent trip... we had to travel "not as fast" in our travel trailer because we were hauling 1000 extra lbs of weight with our motorcycles... they were in a motor home with a small trailer pulling one motorcycle - they didn't have to stop as frequently for pit stops - they just exchanged the wheel and the other one used the restroom; they ate in rest areas in the comfort of their motor home, while we shared one camp chair and a peanut butter jelly cramped among our motorcycles! We were enjoying being in a desert area in a beautiful KOA camp... they were anxious to be closer to city life! We chose to leave our pets at home, and they brought their TWO dogs - complete with the extended leases that wrap around trees and ankles! We didn't make it one week with them, until we "amicably" parted ways!

    Good part about traveling together: safety and companionship... But make sure the goods outweigh the bads!

    We still love our friends, but probably will enjoy just a game of cards and grill out, not travel with them in the future, haha! We just thought this may be a common problem - we had just gotten home when another set of friends told us that they weren't currently speaking to the folks they had traveled with! My sister in law just called and said "let's go to Washington together for a month and sightsee!" We looked at each other, thought a minute, and said................ uh, .................. "NO!"

    This is called "live and learn"! :(
  2. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    In a word NO! You have listed some problems and more will be added to this post soon. Our motorhome sleeps TWO and we never travel with anyone. We do meet other RV people at a campground some place and spent time together. We set a date and time to meet in park. At end of our stay we all travel at our own speed back home or to the next campground. This way everyone is happy and you can stop and eat your peanut butter and jelly in peace.

    No two people think or act the same way in life, so on the road you wish to go here they wish to go there. You need fuel they do not, you need to rest they do not, you like small campgrounds and they do not. The list could go on and on. We have ran into high dollar people with 45 foot busses that have traveled together for years. They all meet at some place and they set up the next campground to meet in. Each couple moves at they own pace. System works well.
  3. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    We have travelled with our best friends for the past 15 years, but have never rv'ed with them as they are not rv'ers. We usually travel to a vacation spot and rent a condo together. It always works out well, on the nights that we eat in, one lady cooks and the other cleans up and we alternate jobs. The guys go to bed early and she and I stay up late into the night playing card games in our pj's. They live in Texas and we live in Colorado so maybe it makes a difference that we don't get to see each other very often. We have always tried to get them to take a cruise with us, as that is one of our passions and they never would go because he said he didn't think he would enjoy being on a boat that long. They were given one as an anniversary gift last year and went and now are hooked so we are planning one together - cabins next to each other with adjoining balconies. I can see where it would cause a problem when actually being "on the road" though.
  4. mastercraft

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    Apr 15, 2006
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    We have traveled with friends that also have rv's quite frequently. We have noticed that short stays seem to be better. When we go for a long weekend in the mountains, we all have a good time. We have done a couple of longer trips with a group of 3 families and do not have as much fun as we do when we go alone. It seems as if everyone has a different agenda and 3 seems to be a crowd. Planning long trips in a group is a nightmare, everyone travels at different speeds and have different stop times. I agree with the other posts about the type of RV campground. Some like the peace and quiet and some like parks with a lot to do.
  5. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    We've only done the long weekend with other people (except once, many years ago). That seems like a good "fit". I think going for an entire vacation would be hard unless you are going to a place that doesn't have "outside" tourist things. If you just want to spend time at the campground, around the pool, cooking out, and having fires then it probably would be fun. When you add the various things to do and places to eat, I can see hurt feelings popping up. You can't please all the people all the time. Of course, you could always agree to have some alone time with your immediate family to do separate things.
  6. campinggirl1964

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    Apr 28, 2005
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    We have friends who we have vacationed with a few times over the years. They have three children and we have two. The first trip was not so great - we convinced them to try camping (you need to understand that their idea of roughing it was going to a Marriott). We were still at the tenting stage and they rented a pop-up. The first week was great, the second week went quickly downhill as day after day it rained - the camping trip ended when my friend and I were in our dining shelter making breakfast between drops of rain (yes, the shelter sprang many leaks!). I asked my friend if she wanted to pack up and go to a hotel, and she said "I thought you'd never ask!" About an hour later we were on the road looking for a hotel!

    They now have a boat (unfortunately, absolutely no desire to RV after their first experience) - so we recently met up with them. They stayed at an in with a boat dock and we stayed at a campground with a boatdock. We spent the days on their boat and the evenings by our campfire (except when the ladies went shopping). The kids had a blast and we enjoyed ourselves as well. We've found a way to make this work with them, but I think it's an exception to the rule. I think the key is being good enough friends that if you want to go your own way for a while, no one is offended and we can tell each other when we're driving each other crazy - but in a nice way. We have many similar interests as well, so that helps.

    Vacationing with my husband's sister and brother-in-law - now that's a different story!

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