Posting Review Rule Question ??

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by tiffinman, Jun 12, 2014.

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  1. tiffinman

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    May 28, 2014
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    Hey Tex..... can you kindly explain what is meant by " affiliation " with a park ? I'm a little confused on that.

    You accused me of breaking the " affiliation " rule in the thread not posted.... I explained my friendship with someone in the park.....but you deleted my reply and locked the thread again.

    I don't want to break any rules ...or waist time... so I am looking for an explanation.

  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    QUOTE(tiffinman @ Jun 12 2014, 10:17 AM) [snapback]36918[/snapback]

    Hey Tex..... can you kindly explain what is meant by " affiliation " with a park ? I'm a little confused on that.

    You accused me of breaking the " affiliation " rule in the thread not posted.... I explained my friendship with someone in the park.....but you deleted my reply and locked the thread again.

    I don't want to break any rules ...or waist time... so I am looking for an explanation.


    Yes, I can do that.

    An affiliation means you have some connection with the park or its owner(s). Usually that would mean you are a manager, a workcamper, a host, other employee, etc. It could also mean that you are a relative or close friend of the owner or employee--basically any relationship that could cause you to be biased in your review of the park.

    To quote the statement that all reviewers must agree to: "I am not currently nor have I ever been the owner, a relative of the owner, or an employee of this or any other RV park or campground that could be considered a direct competitor of this RV Park or campground. Furthermore I do not currently have nor have I ever had any affiliation with this RV park or campground, or any other RV park or campground that could be considered a direct competitor of this RV Park or campground."

    Now to apply this to your situation: When you said you had "a personal friend who is involved with the new design and upgrade of that KOA," I felt your relationship and your desire to help out your friend could affect your judgment about the park. I pointed out that your friendship with someone who had a vested interest in the park was "pushing the envelope" or coming close to breaking the rules, if not actually doing so, and if nothing else, it certainly contributed to your attitude about the review not being posted.

    Also the thread was shut down because the contributors were being rude to each other.

    I hope I have answered your question.
  3. tiffinman

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    May 28, 2014
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    So IMO that rule is questionable.

    If I happen to make friends ....which I often do.... with a park personnel ...etc. while I am at a c/g for extended period of time......I violate the affiliation rule.....and can't post a review ??

    Also you said " I felt your relationship and your desire to help out your friend could affect your judgment about the park ".

    How am I helping out my friend by giving a review of my stay ??
  4. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    I've explained this, and you are trying to make it into something that it is not. Also remember your review was discarded NOT because of the possible affiliation, but because the date of stay was over a year old. We are not changing this rule and continuing to argue about it will get you nowhere.
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